Pixeloza.fun Rules
Respect the rules to keep the server fun for everyone!
Respect the rules to keep the server fun for everyone!
Treat all players with respect. Harassment, bullying, discrimination, or offensive language is strictly prohibited.
Our server is open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, political beliefs, or nationality. Any form of discrimination is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
You should refrain from discussing politics or other divisive topics. Keep the environment focused on gaming and fun.
Spamming, advertising, or sharing inappropriate or offensive content in chat is strictly forbidden.
Conversations should remain friendly, neutral, and appropriate for all ages.
You are expected to play fairly and adhere to the intended gameplay mechanics. Do not use bugs, glitches, or exploits for personal gain.
If you encounter a bug, report it immediately to server moderators. Abuse of game mechanics will not be tolerated.
Listen to and respect server staff and moderators at all times.
Disregarding staff instructions or attempting to undermine authority will result in consequences.
Do not build offensive, inappropriate, or disrespectful structures.
You are fully responsible for all actions taken on your account. Keep your login information secure and do not share your account with others.
Advertising other servers, products, or services without permission from server administrators is strictly forbidden.
Enjoy your time on the server, collaborate, and make new friends. We strive to create a positive and engaging community for everyone.
This Minecraft server is an independent, fan-created platform and is not affiliated with,
endorsed by, or associated in any way with Mojang Studios, Microsoft Corporation, or any of their subsidiaries.
All trademarks, copyrights, and materials related to Minecraft are the property of Mojang Studios and Microsoft.
We respect the rights of Mojang and Microsoft and strive to adhere to their guidelines.
Any questions regarding Minecraft itself should be directed to Mojang Studios or Microsoft.
By playing on this server, you acknowledge that it operates independently and is not officially supported by Mojang or Microsoft.